Coming soon… 

The Pitchfork Chronicles

Hell has not seen peace for a while. Global cooling threatens the Hellish way of life, and human-demon conflict is on the rise.

Newcomers thrust into this neo-Hell —  Hell 2.0 as some people prefer to call it — must quickly abandon their former notions of what living in Hell is supposed to be like. They must adapt, or face a fate worse than Hell.

They will soon find out that a native Hellboy is finding it the hardest to adapt. He is none other than Diabolus tertius, aka Devil the third.

And he better train fast — for someone is after his throne.

 No demons or skybeasts were harmed in the making of this world…

…nah! Just kidding. Many were slaughtered.

Coming Soon…

Hell Versus the Other Place — Book-1 in The Pitchfork Chronicles

There are no restroom breaks on the highway to Hell

NA-18379 is a man without a name. He goes by the number assigned to him during his journey on a cargo ship to Hell.

His arrival in Hell couldn’t have happened at a worse time — for global cooling is threatening the Hellish way of life, and human-demon relationships are at their nadir.

When a case of mistaken identity lands him a coveted position in a demon supremacist cult, NA-18379 finds himself spared from the slave labor camps intended for most humans arriving in Hell.

NA-18379 must now decide if he’s willing to maintain his cushy new way of life in exchange for his principles, or to risk everything to reclaim his human identity — and every danger and discomfort it entails.

But before that he must battle his old nemesis — his former Sunday School teacher and his Great-aunt Lisa, who is gunning to become the supreme commander of the movement that’s taking over Hell: Make Hell Hot Again.

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